Our recent research scope focuses more on the study of 2D materials such as graphene, topological insulators, and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs). We grow these ultrathin films by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and sputter.
We carry out fundamental analysis of the 2D materials including atomic structure study by STM, soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy study by using synchrotron radiation facilities, as well as transport magneto-transport studies on these films.
Based on these 2D materials, we also prepare FET and spin pumping devices for spintronic and valleytronic applications. For energy applications, we also carry out research on solar cell photodetector devices based on perovskite and TIs.

在成大頂尖計畫以及科技部支持下,本實驗室協同台灣鎧柏科技有限公司架設在超高真空底下運作的Epi-Center。 此材料成長設備結合了不同成長機台,包括分子束磊晶系統,脈衝雷射沉積系統以及射頻磁控濺鍍系統,在不與大氣接觸下進行傳輸,用以製備高品質的單層薄膜。

機台成長材料: ZnO, Ga-/Co-doped ZnO, Fe, Co, Ni, Ta

機台成長材料:CoFe2O, Y3Fe5O12, Zn-doped NiFe2O4, Co-doped ZnO, Ni0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4

在成大頂尖計畫以及科技部支持下,本實驗室協同台灣鎧柏科技有限公司架設在超高真空底下運作的Epi-Center。 此材料成長設備結合了不同成長機台,包括分子束磊晶系統,脈衝雷射沉積系統以及射頻磁控濺鍍系統,在不與大氣接觸下進行傳輸,用以製備高品質的單層薄膜。